Sunday, April 18, 2010

What is it about starting a business that makes you lose all your intelligence? I have gone into fight or flight response recently and my first thought was- flee. Run, go someplace nice and never look back. I am a fighter so here I stay, my brain powering draining, my smarts evaporating, what little patience I did have is gone. I doubt myself constantly, my decision making sucks and I have now taken on another potential project.

I am not a fan of money going out and not coming in and that seems to be what is going on right now. I am frugal and hate seeing my bank account get angry. I have a set failure limit on this business. That was the smartest piece of advice I got. Set a limit, if you start to go over that limit with out seeing a return. STOP. I am a few hundred dollars away form that stopping point.

In the meantime I think spring may have arrived. Two weeks in a row we were able to do yard work with no snow. Aside from hurricane type winds here and there I think the better weather is on its way. I woke up one morning last week, as I was picking up my paper I noticed my neighbor’s tree had blossomed over night. It has all these pretty white little flowers. My paths where I walk are starting to bud and the daffodils and tulips are up. I enjoy my walks much more when the trees have leaves and flowers are in bloom.


The Edge of London said...

It sounds like all your super powers are being drained out. Power up and move on scrappy. Education ruins all of us but makes our mum's so proud. My wife said you sound tired and out of sorts.
It will all turn out brilliant. Just you see.
Thank you for that wonderful comment on Noah. I think he is by far the smartest little bloke in all of England and maybe America.