So, my web designer was a flake. Apparently, even in your mid forties and jobless the dream of being a rock star never dies.
I have been interviewing for four days now and what a process. First-people simply just can't follow instructions or read. Two-I think the people in this Rocky Mountain state have bad work ethics- must be lack of air. Then I get my business cards and the font is like a 6. So much joy going on I can barley stand it.
I won't even get started on the no call backs from other professionals, and the one (kind of) friend that I am going to now have to fire from my life since I have decided that no Flakisim is allowed anymore. I just don't have the time or room for it, and frankly, don't know why other people put up with this type of crap, either.
With such joy surrounding me I now get to do my other least favorite thing. Drive right into the heart of the city, all the big trucks, bad drivers and stress that goes with having to get on to 70. Fun stuff!
nice blog n thk for sharing, nice to meet u, wish al the best to u
Ack,it's just not your week is it! I do not understand people like that either. If you hire someone to do a job then they need to get with the program and DO THEIR JOB!!! I sure hope you are able to hire someone to help you..
I am just so thankful that I didn't give him any money or it would have been a small claims issue. Bad week, yes, lucky, yes. So, I guess it's an even 50/50. Now if I get just get some readable business cards...
Why in the world would anyone send you 6 pt business cards?? Seriously, does anyone think things through these days?
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