iPad $499.00, fancy covers from Domenico Vacca $3,900.00- They come in a variety of colors and according to the Robb Report they have sold out. Other big name designers are also making them for lower prices $1,700.00 and up. Sure you could just get one for $30.00 from the Apple store, but why do that when you have a fancy DV? I love my iPod and have never spent more than $14.99 for a sleeve. Should I decide to buy an iPad, I can promise you that even if my bank account shows zeros leading to the millions I would never spend almost four grand for something that cost me five hundred, where the hell is the logic in that?
I have friends that are very wealthy and ones that have a champagne appetite on a beer budget. Can you guess who is more inclined to buy the overpriced cover? The ones with no money. My wealthier friends are frugal, watch their money and like a good deal.

Friday, October 15, 2010
The things people will buy
Posted by The Reivention of Woman at Friday, October 15, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Don't over use the "Masters"
Unneeded update-
I had really high hopes for 2010; it did not live up to the expectation. I have found this to be a physically painful year. Some good things have happened but that is expected in any year. I recently have been very proud of the inches and pounds that were falling off, and still am. Then I did this.
I noticed about a week ago (before taking a tumble down the stairs) that my lower back and hips hurt really bad. I sucked it up and popped some Advil because that is what you do. Yesterday the pain became so unbearable that I could barely sit still (yes there is a point). I thought maybe I had a kidney infection or something from where the pain is located. I call my doctor and they tell me to come to the after hours clinic as they are also thinking kidney. What did it end up being? OCD. Nope, I am not kidding. I had been talking about my renewed love of the Buttmaster and Thighmaster; however, I may have neglected to mention that I do 350 of each every single day. Why? In my mind, if 50 are recommended, and work- then 100 will be better and so on. It finally escalated to 350 and on good days to 375. This is every single day. I still see no issue with it. However, it cause very deep muscle issues in my lower back on the muscle right on the outside of my spine. I have this mild mannered really calm doctor and when I told him what else I was doing he said “O shit”. I took that to mean it was not good. Blood work on kidneys -good, other blood work-good, back-in sorry shape. I didn’t do my Masters last night and my hips feel slightly better today. That could be the horrible pain pills and muscle relaxers working as well.
Lesson Learned? More than likely not. I think I will have to break them in to sessions because it is working so well. I also do this OCD with crunches and have never had a problem. I have learned that less can be more if you let it, I just don't know how to let it. I also learned I don't like the Vicodin and flexeril haze, either. I think I need balance and would never reccomend to a sane person to use the "Masters" as many times as I do.
With that said, it is time for my next dose of haziness.
All typos and bad grammar are currently due to the use of perscription meds. All other days it's my fault.
My over use of the Masters has caused me to be in a hazed on the greatest- coolest- cloudy day so far this fall. What a bummer.
Posted by The Reivention of Woman at Sunday, October 10, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Jibber Jabber
Friday, October 8, 2010
It is now mid October and it still feels very much like mid July. I love fall and this is the second year I will be missing it. The leaves are confused, the pumpkin patch looks slightly sparse and nothing feels like fall. In order to enjoy the wonderful weather of fall I must go out and enjoy myself after 8:00 PM in the dark.
While my friends post pictures of the vibrant colors of the leaves changing and all the rain and frost they are getting, I am sitting on the couch playing with my new laptop with my central air set at 72.
In conjunction with the rant above: Since losing now 17 lbs and having clothes so loose they cause me top slip down the stairs, I am again annoyed that I can’t wear some really cute track type outfits that now fit really well. I could wear them if I wanted to die of heat stroke. Damn it!
I got a laptop for my 40th birthday. I just got this as it was customized to my current needs and I am finally wireless and not having to run up and down the stairs, woohoo. I love that this is mobile, but the keyboard and mouse are challenging. So, I have plugged in an old keyboard to allow for speedy typing while I get use to the feel of my favorite birthday present. My camera does come in second. I must say so far I am not a fan of Office 2007; I really do prefer 2003 because it seems so much easier to use.
In assisting with a Federal release criminal case I am again disturbed by our judicial system. As I have discussed with other friends and family, you will do more time for a drug charge, be it, pills, marijuana or cocaine, than you will for child molestation or rape. This is on a first time offense of any kind. Six years into a sentence (more than the 18-22 months most pedos do) a woman has to fight with all she has to get out and be with her possibly terminally ill son. How is that justice? How is it a sex offender can live in the same neighborhood as her son but she can’t even see him? This case has me very pissed off to say the least.
Since my last post and fired pen pal, I have gotten another email saying that she has once again sent me a box. Why? Since I have decided that it is best not to reply at all, if said box does land I will likely refuse it. I am certain it will never make an appearance. No loss. Some confusion.
I am going to give another shout out to The Buttmaster. I can’t help but wonder if I could have saved my booty the extra love had I been using it all these years. Again, wow! I decided to Google the Buttmaster and found others also love it and I have learned a couple new ways to use this love contraption. The downfall, I am pretty sore on a daily basis. It can also be purchased at www.suzannesomers.com I am a fan of anything that takes off inches, has quick results and I don’t have to leave my house. Warning…daily use of this will cause inches to fall off and your panties will no longer fit.
With really positive results from my eating, Buttmaster and other efforts, my lifestyle change feels permanent this time around. Something really feels different, I know I may have said that on my last blog, but it’s true. This time, when I have had a treat or felt like I fell from the wagon, I have counteracted and not gained anything back. My clothes that are now loose go out the door the same day I figure out they are too big. I am hoping to drop ten more pounds by the 21st of this month.
Posted by The Reivention of Woman at Friday, October 08, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Jibber Jabber
Friday, September 17, 2010
The weight update
Today after more than three years I met with Mr. Ralph Lauren and Mr. Tommy Hilfiger. They have been living in my closet for awhile with their high quality denim was just waiting to be transferred to a new location or re-fitted. Today I was not only able to get them on, but button and zip as well. The good thing was I still had the ability to breath, I was certain this was not going to be the case. I guess my progress is greater than I thought it was.
Here is where I give some credit out. Stress, it is a great diet, it allows you to over exercise, eat very little and drink a lot of water and tea and pace a lot.
Thank you Suzanne Somers! Do you remember in the early 90’s when she was Thigh mastering her way to great legs? Well, I was one of the many twenty year olds who had to have one, and I still have that exact one. Then she got all brilliant and came out with the Butt master. I found this on clearance at a GNC in the late 90’s for $3.00.
In my fits of stress and boredom I have been Butt mastering and Thigh mastering myself to death. I do it while I am on the computer, while I am sitting bed watching a movie (yes, it works in bed too). I think all this mastering has tightened or shaved inches off my inner thighs and butt. Thank you Miss. Somers.
Then there is the fact that I don’t over eat, have been eating fruits and veggies, and trying my dandiest to drink a lot more liquid. I think wine and Margarita’s count since they make you have to go to the bathroom as much as water.
My walks are longer and I am more motivated then before. Why? Because of the whole lump in breast scare. I promised I would take the very best care of my body if I came out of this entire scary health crap okay, step one was okay so I am holding up my end of the bargain. I am just that kind of girl.
I am greatly looking forward to the cooler weather where I can walk and walk and not be wringing wet when I get home.
I am not sure what my current weight is. When I get on the scale it says Lo. Since I like that I have not yet changed the battery.
Posted by The Reivention of Woman at Friday, September 17, 2010 0 comments
I have to urge to rant-
Old people shouldn’t be driving; I am tired of getting cut off and almost hit on a daily basis, yep, daily. My 89 year old neighbor license was renewed because she passed the eye test, and they didn’t make her wear her glasses. I think there should be an age limit and a curfew for old people. Also, why to the think they can just bud in a line?
I use to have that whole respect thing for older people, it’s gone.
Dear Barnes and Noble,
Please stop stalking me and trying to get me to buy the NOOK every time I walk in and out of the door. So annoying!
Borders does not do this and they get more of my money than you…
Attention employers:
When placing an ad for employees with a college education, please specify that you more or less mean…someone who could maybe pass the GED. Also, look up college education before saying “I think your educational background makes you overed (yes that is what she said) qualified”. I am still certain she didn’t know what the word qualified meant or articulation. Also, dumbass employers-although people need jobs a good wage is not minimum wage and most overed qualified people will not work for that.
When I ask for a scanned file and the other person says okay, I assume I am going to get a scanned file. Not a phone call asking me if it is with one of those computer things. It is 2010.
Dear pen pal,
Stop saying you have sent me great packages and can’t figure out why I am not getting them. You know you have not sent them, I am not impressed and don’t really care. I am not certain why you keep saying this, but the USPS screw up rate is high, but not that high. It has now become insanely annoying and I am afraid you will have to go. You’re Fired!
Posted by The Reivention of Woman at Friday, September 17, 2010 1 comments
Labels: Must Rant
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Lump
I am a worrier, a worst case; it’s going to be death kind of girl. So, when I found the lump in my breast, I went from lump to grave, actually I am still in the grave. I have a mammogram and ultrasound on Friday. My doctor said he was not worried.
I would never wish the fear that is burning inside me on anyone. I am restless, scared, curious, anxious, and every cell of my body is riddled with fear. I have moments of clarity where I think it will be alright and to just be grateful I am in a place where I can get the proper testing done in a timely manner (three days after seeing my doctor). The waiting is the hard part, what will come next? Will it be bad? I am sure it will be and my mind will not allow me to go anywhere but to the dark scary place. The pit of my stomach burns, and everyone has a fricking story to tell about their cancer, like I really need to hear that shit right now.
What I do know for sure-
Whatever the outcome is I am changed forever. That may seem dramatic and it probably is, but it is so very true. I always thought as women we are part of the cause-be proactive, self exams, donating, walking for the cure, all of it. Why? Because having breasts makes you part of the cause. And then wondering if you have it-is so very scary.
I always talk about being healthy, respecting my body and so on. No more talk. If I don’t take care of me now what will happen? I really don’t want to find out. I am already making changes and promises that I know I will keep. How do I know? I am a fear driven kind of girl and I have enough fear to believe I can walk on water right now.
I admire people with a strong faith now more than ever. I wish I had the great belief that a prayer could be said and answered.
Two more days of acid burning worry. The unknown is so much scarier than what is right in front of you.
Posted by The Reivention of Woman at Wednesday, September 08, 2010 0 comments
Labels: Jibber Jabber
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I made it to 40-I was feeling a bit dramatic last night, but am over it today. It is strange to think of myself as 40, but I am sure I will get use to it right before I hit 50.
Posted by The Reivention of Woman at Sunday, August 29, 2010 0 comments